Party Smart

Here are some suggestions that will keep you and your guests safe.

Keep control of your guest list. Only invite people you know to your party. Problems usually occur when people you don’t know show up for your party. Fights break out, things get stolen, and trouble happens when you don’t know your guests.

Know the law and University policy. Familiarize yourself with Texas alcohol laws and UT Dallas policy regarding sanctions for alcohol/drug violations. Help keep yourself and your party goers safe and out of trouble!

Do not provide alcohol to minors. Check the ID of anyone who appears to be under the age of 30 — no ID, no alcohol.

Designate a sober host. If you and your friends are set on having a crazy night, the best thing you can do is have someone there with their wits about them. Let this person be the one who takes you for a 3 a.m. food run, controls the noise level, calls the police if things get out of control and makes sure no one is getting dangerously drunk. Make it known ahead of time that this person has full authority to cut anyone off at anytime with no arguments.

Keep strangers from entering your party.  Set a small limit on the number of guests your invitees are permitted to bring to your party. Nothing will bring more unwanted attention than a party with too many people.

Provide Options. Limit alcohol and serve non-alcoholic beverages. See the Mocktail Recipes below and serve in addition to any alcohol. Additionally, provide food and use cans and plastic bottles as an alternative to glass.

Avoid making alcohol the main focus of the party. Entertain guests with music, dancing, games, food and good conversation.

Respect neighbors, respect your landlord, and know your lease regulations. You don’t want to make enemies with your neighbor because they have to call the police on you. In fact, you may well need your neighbor’s help someday. Don’t burn that bridge. If you live on campus, be considerate and know your lease regulations about parties

Make the safety of your guests your top priority. Your house, your rules. Never allow anyone on the roof or a balcony. Don’t light candles if there is going to be drinking.

Never allow anyone to drive home intoxicated. Ever.

Make sure partygoers who have reached a dangerous level of intoxication are not just left to "sleep it off". This is when binge drinking becomes deadly. These individuals need to be kept awake. and if there is ever any doubt, call 911.

Provide food. High protein and carbohydrate foods like cheese and meats are especially good. They stay in the stomach much longer, which slows the rate at which the body absorbs alcohol.

Checklist for Party Guests

These are suggestions to help reduce the chance you will be hurt, arrested or wildly embarrassed.

Know and obey state laws and University regulations.

If you are over 21, keep your alcohol consumption moderate. 0 drinks if you are driving, 1 per hour sets the pace, no more than 3 a day.

If you are drinking, also eat food. A full stomach slows the pace at which alcohol is absorbed.

Avoid parties you haven’t been invited to. Even with the best of intentions by hosts and guest alike, an "open to all" kegger is a high risk situation.

Attend with a friend and take care of each other. Never let a friend fall asleep at a high level of intoxication. It’s as dangerous as drinking and driving.

Leave your valuables at home. Carry only the ID and money you’ll need that night.

If you choose to be sexually active, be safe. Bring and use condoms and other latex barriers.

Remember drugs and alcohol don’t mix. Even over the counter and prescription drugs can be dangerous when combined with alcohol.

Avoid behavior that may cause the party givers trouble. Don’t sneak in underage drinkers. Don’t sneak drinks if you are underage. Don’t trash someone's house. Don’t cause noise disturbances.

Always keep your reputation in mind. Remember how easy it is to wind up on the internet. You don’t want to be the next scandal on YouTube. Inappropriate pictures stick around for a very long time.

Never drink and drive. Ever. Always have a designated driver with you or a planned way home that doesn’t include someone driving who has had anything to drink. Allowing the "least drunk person" to drive can be deadly.

Have a person designated to make sure no one reaches a dangerous level of intoxication.

Mocktail Recipes

Safe Sex on the Beach

  • 2 oz Peach Nectar
  • 3 oz Cranberry Juice
  • 3 oz Orange Juice
  • Mix, add ice, & garnish with a cherry

Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri

  • ¼ cup Strawberries
  • 1 oz Orange Juice
  • 1 oz Lime Juice
  • 2 tsp. Sugar
  • Dash of Grenadine
  • Combine in blender with ice

Iced Coffee

  • ¼ cup Cold strong coffee
  • ¼ cup Sugar
  • ¼ cup Hot water
  • 4 c. Milk
  • Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker and serve over ice.

Screwless Driver

  • 1 ½ oz Ginger Ale
  • 5 oz Orange Juice
  • Mix & add ice

Not Really Wine

  • 3 oz White Grape Juice
  • 3 oz Grapefruit Juice
  • 1 oz Passion Fruit Juice
  • Combine in shaker half filled with ice

Mock Champagne

  • 2 liters Apple Cider or Juice
  • 2 liters Ginger Ale
  • Optional Grenadine Syrup

Virgin Pina Colada

  • 6 oz. Pineapple Juice
  • 2 oz. Coconut Cream
  • 1 c. Ice crushed
  • Mix and add ice — can also be combined in a blender with ice for a frozen drink

Crazy Cow

  • 3 oz. Apple Juice
  • 3 oz. Milk
  • Crushed Ice
  • Apple Slice
  • Combine in shaker and pour over crushed ice.

Unfuzzy Navel

  • 3 oz Peach Nectar
  • 3 oz Orange Juice
  • 3 oz Pineapple Juice
  • 1 tsp. Lemon Juice
  • Dash of Grenadine
  • Combine in shaker half filled with ice

Virgin Margarita

  • ½ oz. Lime juice
  • ½ oz. Orange juice
  • 1 ½ oz. Sour Mix
  • Mix and add ice — can also be combined in a blender with ice for a frozen drink

Tomato and Tonic

  • 6 oz. tomato juice
  • 3 oz. water
  • Lemon Slice
  • Mix all ingredients in a shaker and serve over ice.

Calories Information

Beverage Calories
Regular Beer (12 oz.) 150
Light Beer (12 oz.) 110
Wine (5 oz.) 100
Kahlua Liqueur (1.5 oz.) 190
Martini (4 oz.) 160
Daiquiri (6 oz.) 180
Whiskey Sour (4 oz.) 160
80 Proof Gin (1.5 oz.) 96
80 Proof Rum (1.5 oz.) 96
80 Proof Vodka (1.5 oz.) 96
80 Proof Whiskey (1.5 oz.) 96
Long Island Iced Tea (6 oz.) 350
Margarita (6 oz.) 250