comets care

Comets C.A.R.E. is a peer-education initiative designed to empower the UT Dallas community through Coaching, Advocacy, Referral and Engagement. Through educational events, engaging activities and one-on-one coaching, Comets C.A.R.E. creates a culture of wellness where students feel connected and supported during their time at UTD.

What Does C.A.R.E. Mean?


Peer Health Educators provide one-on-one coaching sessions to help students set and achieve wellness goals. The goal of our peer coaching sessions is to support you in building and achieving goals to deepen your connection to UTD and enhance wellness in your life. Whether it’s managing stress, building healthier habits or navigating challenges, coaching can help support your personal growth.


Comets C.A.R.E. empowers students to shape the wellness landscape on campus and spotlight critical wellness topics.

Our Peer Health Educators serve as the voice of the student body on wellness committees, contributing to initiatives that address the diverse needs of our community. They also lead projects to better understand and respond to the wellness priorities of students.

Through their efforts, Peer Health Educators raise awareness about important topics, including support for survivors of sexual assault, individuals impacted by cancer and other key wellness issues. By fostering dialogue and promoting advocacy, they help create a campus culture where everyone can thrive.


We know navigating campus resources can feel overwhelming. That’s why Comets C.A.R.E. is here to guide you to the right support services, whether it’s counseling, academic resources or wellness programs. Our programs also bring community partners to campus for students to explore wellness resources in the local community.


Wellness is a shared journey. Through workshops, events and social media initiatives, Comets C.A.R.E. fosters engagement in conversations and activities that empower students to take charge of their wellbeing and contribute to a caring campus community.

Join A Signature Event

The Comets C.A.R.E. initiative hosts a variety of signature events throughout the year to engage and educate the UT Dallas community about wellness.

It’s On Us. A campaign and event series focused on raising awareness about sexual assault prevention, supporting survivors, fostering a culture of consent and mutual respect.

Alcohol Screening Day. An opportunity for students to reflect on their alcohol use, access harm reduction resources and learn strategies for making informed choices.

Fresh Check Day. An interactive mental health fair that combines education, peer support and resources to promote mental wellness and reduce stigma.

Wellness Fair. A vibrant event connecting students with campus and community resources, offering engaging activities and inspiring participants to prioritize their overall wellbeing.

These events are designed to initiate meaningful conversations, provide valuable resources and empower students to make informed decisions about their health and wellness.

Comet Calendar: Student Wellness Center Events

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Healthy Comets: The Student Wellness Center on Instagram

Stay connected with the latest wellness events, activities and stories by following the Healthy Comets Instagram account! We also encourage you to share your personal wellness journey using out hashtags—whether it’s a small victory or a helpful tip, your story can motivate others.

@healthycomets #healthycomets #CometsCARE #UTDWellness