Stress Management

Stress is not exclusive to college life. Stress can result from a number of situations throughout our lives, like stress from work, family and friends.

Learning how to manage stress in a healthy and effective way as a college student can help you prepare for stressful situations in the future. Also, unmanaged stress can manifest into a larger issue. Managing stress is an important skill that we all need to develop. Stress effects individuals differently and, as a result, individuals manage stress differently. Consider the stress relieving activities below and find a method that works best for you.

  • Add a physical workout to your schedule at least every other day. You can jog, power walk, use a stepping machine, rowing or biking machines, swim or any other form of exercise. Do not see this as 'recreational time' that can be blown off. Physical activity is one way to ensure that life's minor stresses do not build.
  • Manage your time. Develop a schedule that provides for academic, social and physical time. While studying is a huge component of college life, there are other aspects of college that you can enjoy. Allow yourself to take a break from studying and enjoy all the activities that UT Dallas has to offer.
  • Try things like yoga or meditation to help you clear your mind. There are many free online videos for guided meditation and yoga.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff. Always ask yourself if the issue at hand is worth getting upset about. If it isn't affecting your goal achievement, it may not be worth fretting over.
  • Ask for help. Talking to a person who you trust like a friend, roommate, family member, professor, significant other or co-worker about issues of concern is helpful. We all need someone to listen.
  • Talk to your peer advisor. Every floor in the residence hall and freshmen apartments have a student in charge who can help you get adjusted to college life. Stop by and talk to them if you need to get something off your chest.